Salmon is a versatile, ultra heart-healthy superfood, and its preparation possibilities are endless. Here, a skinless roasted fillet creates a simple but...
Best-selling cookbook author Mark Bittman says, "This basic recipe is easy and reliable, and the results taste great. You can use any thick fillet or fish...
When it comes to radiating warmth at the dinner table, nothing beats a one-pot casserole. What's more, this dish can be assembled a day ahead, goes straight...
Glaze salmon with a sweet-and-tart mixture of brown sugar, red-wine vinegar, and shallots that brightens the rich fish for a quick and delicious springtime-inspired...
This flavorful chilled fish dish from Blue Ribbon restaurant co-owners Bruce and Eric Bromberg is a favorite of both their mother and grandmother. Serve...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for ginger...
This method of cooking salmon makes for such tasty fish that you might want to serve it on its own. Just follow the first two steps, and serve the fillet...
In this salmon dinner recipe, Dijon mustard gives the topping a nice kick and balances the richness of the fresh fish fillets. Lemon juice in the spinach...
Salmon is remarkably healthful. It is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and...
Celebrate any occasion with this family-style salmon dinner that you can prep fast (just 5 minutes) and then roast in the oven, leaving you time to round...
This easy riff on a Thai staple gets big flavor from four basic ingredients: curry paste, coconut milk, yellow bell pepper, and bok choy. It's even heartier...
Here, vegetables, aromatic herbs, and wine combine to make a savory broth that infuses salmon fillets with a wholesome flavor and leaves out added fats...
This recipe for a tasty salmon dinner comes to us courtesy of Pierre Troisgros, one of only three French chefs whose restaurants have received three stars...
Delicious warm or at room temperature, this poached salmon only takes 30 minutes and can be made ahead so it's a hit with savvy home entertainers. Try...
When you bake fish and vegetables in parchment, you are steaming them in their own juices. It preserves nutrients and requires little added fat. Serve...
Red onion, lemon, and tarragon come together as a tangy topping for salmon and asparagus. To make this recipe for two, as seen on "The Martha Stewart Show,"...
Individual portions are easier to serve at dinnertime than a single large coulibiac, a Russian dish of puff pastry enveloping poached salmon, mushrooms,...
A Nicoise-inspired main-course salad (tossed with grilled salmon, eight-minute eggs, fresh sugar snap peas, watercress, and boiled new potatoes) is a reliable...
We cooked with wild salmon. Alaskan sockeye has a rich flavor; king is pricier and fattier. If you like, try Tasmanian ocean trout as an alternative. Make...